Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Life is short, running makes it seem longer - Seattle Marathon 2013

For anyone who knows me quite well, when the going gets tough I go running.  That being said when the going is not tough, I still go running...

I often sign up for random races especially while I am stuck in some emotional rut or faced with some sort of challenge.  I crave the therapeutic process and outcome of setting my own challenge. I have always said "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" so my coping mechanism is to temporarily make life feel even tougher (but usually in some beautiful place) a result, in the broad scope everything seems a bit easier in perspective.  

The past eight years I have been experiencing that which I am sure many can relate...watching the ones you love sick and in pain.  First it was my father who passed two summers ago, and now my sister has been battling a very awful disease. Though my family is very tightly knit, I have always been the nomad of the family and have been in and out of the province with my own adventures in life. I wish to no end I could somehow infuse any of my strength into my sister, and into my mom who has been the family rock.  4 surgeries later in a little over a year, and the latest one being very scary, we have our fingers crossed that my sister is on the up.

So back to my own personal therapy.  A couple of weeks ago while I was a bit emotional and reviewing/checking off items on my Bucket List, when my gaze captured..."Boston Marathon".   I cross-referenced my calender with the upcoming marathons and wham-bam, Seattle Marathon December 1st - two weeks away....perfect!!  Without hesitation I paid the big bucks with a last minute entry and set a goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon (by running at a certified race in <3hrs40mins).  Better late than never right!?

I really did not take the "race" serious and had no taper whatsoever.  Though, once I set a goal there is usually little to get in my way.  My experience with road marathons is the ability to make legs that feel wooden keep on keeping on.  So that I did (I make that sound simple and easy...very untrue).  Boston Marathon 2015 here I come! 

So through this process of life and the challenges delivered, I will continue to learn about my own forms of coping and will continue to be increasingly thankful for the good times and the loved ones in my life. I will keep on kicking the asphalt and trails because life is short and running makes it seem longer...and I will continue to run through the walls, because all walls have doors if you want to find them.